About Julie

I started my career in psychology as a counselor supporting families in crisis. We focused on developing self awareness, managing stress, and improving relationships. My work took me from the woods of Massachusetts to the west coast of Costa Rica. What I noticed was that regardless of where people were from, each individual had encountered an obstacle in their lives that they didn't have the skills to cope with. I wondered why people had to be in crisis to learn the tools to overcome common life experiences we all encounter. 

When I returned to the US, I discovered Montessori Education which had curriculum in place to teach these skills to all students. It encouraged critical thinking, problem solving, and cultivating community. Rather than a “teacher,” I was a guide, asking the right questions to help students uncover their own answers and helping them implement individualized strategies for success. 

I taught throughout the pandemic, a collective obstacle, that many of us did not have the tools to cope with. I observed the rise of stress, anxiety, and burnout in the teens and adults I worked with. After experiencing my own overwhelm and burnout, I had the opportunity to work with a coach myself and discovered the transformative power it had in my own life.

This inspired me to increase my impact on others and gave rise to New Pathways. The principles I learned as a counselor and educator have guided my approach to working with leaders at all levels.  

My coaching and consulting offers people the opportunity to realize that they have the power to direct their own lives, and it provides the tools and strategies they need to do it.

Professional Experience and Certifications

For over two decades, I have worked as an educator, counselor, consultant, and coach. I listen carefully to the challenges my clients are facing, evaluate their needs, and design strategies that decrease stress and overwhelm and improve well-being. My work is both empathetic and science based, informed by many years of research into neuroscience, psychology, human development, and cognitive behavioral science. I am certified through one of the largest coach training programs accredited by the International Coaching Federation. I have trained with Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and I am a member of the Positive Intelligence Advanced Coaching Program. 

Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Coach

Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner